We spent the night spreading Christmas cheer in a very untraditional way. Ready for church when Cory received a call from Georgia Power. These storms had left some of our neighbors in Hamilton without power and a service truck had gotten stuck.... Real stuck!
To spread the cheer we brought the GP guys cookies, fudge, sweet tea and apples.
The kids and I played by skipping rocks in the puddles till it got dark, then watched Charlie Brown's Christmas, then sang and danced to Christmas music on the radio.
It took a very long time but then we could see the
lights creeping through the trees!
Cory pulling them every inch of the way.
These guys... Oh God Bless Them!! Christmas
Eve and they were headed to 3 more calls in the storm so that
all of our Christmas Tress could shine brightly!
Thank you Georgia Power Guys!!
We saw our own version of fantasy in lights on the way home... Never did make it to moms for dinner because Merritt started throwing up again. (BUT sweet Bamps delivered me some lasagna... I do mean just me since nobody else in the house could stomach it)