We signed up and were paired with a family in California. They sent us a box of nature items and we did the same!

Render showing the route from Georgia to California,California to Georgia. Our nature pals live on the coast.
Sitting on the table... Exploring
Inspired by the California quail drawing, we tried to draw our own birds.
We received our #naturepalexchange today!!! I thought yall might enjoy seeing a few of the treasures from our beautiful California collection. My oldest almost hyperventilated when I pulled out the bag marked "chert rock." Then he proceeded to give a lecture to the rest of the crew! Of course, Sibley's favorite is the tule doll. I happen to think the quail picture was the best of all because it inspired us to try our own bird images on the wipe board. Also, it gave us the chance to use our bird field guide. Way to start a spark, @momitomi3!!! Thank you! We are in love with our gift!!! (Tule doll, chert rock, arrowhead, obsidian, old man's beard lichen, sand dollar, muscle shell)
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