Saturday, September 10, 2016

Canyon of the Ancients (Lowry)

The Lowry Pueblo Ruins, Canyon of the Ancients
This community consisted of 40 rooms and
several kivas.
Kiva, possibly ceremonial rooms
and may have been used as living areas.
This particular community had a Great Kiva.
Since they found artifacts that spanned many time periods
makes them believe this Great Kiva was used
as a gathering place for generations.
small doors, possible to make them easy to seal
when used for grain storage or to keep in heat
if used for living space.
(It wasn't because they were smaller people. They
were an average 5.5 ft. We are an average 5.7 feet)

There is a lack of doorways on the outer walls
because entry was from the top with ladders.
This was for defense.

Tequila sunrise prickly pear cactus

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