Saturday, October 29, 2016

Float Plane Field Trip

Render has been using Five In A Row for his curriculum
this year, WHICH I LOVE! You read a picture book every day for 
5 days in a row. Everyday you study something different relating to the book.
His book for this week was "A Glorious Flight." Louis Blerinot 
went through many plane prototypes in 1901 until
he finally accomplished being the first person 
to fly over the English Channel. 
Some of his plane attempts started on water...
the original float planes! 
What a great way to end the week and I must say
Render was so so so excited!
(also, through this book my kids learned 
about onomatopoeia and it has been a source 
of many giggles and entertainment)
went the plane!

A huge thanks to Tasha Edwards, Josh Adams,
and especially, Mr. Buddy (the nicest pilot EVER!). 

Ella and Titus watching the plane land.

There is the sweet boy! So excited about "his" field trip!

Gaitz and Jack. Jack being so quiet and sweet after
breaking his arm yesterday!

Oh Mr. Buddy, you'll have your hands full with this crew!

Sweet girls. Even sweeter was Ella kindly letting
these girls ride and never getting impatient or
sad that she wasn't going up yet, a true sign of 
her gracious spirit! (and a sign that 
she is a seasoned "flyer") Thank you, Ella Bella!

ok... Merritt might have  been more excited than 
all the others combined!

Whitewater in columbus

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